Thomas Keller, chef/proprieter of the French Laundry in the Napa Valley

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Friday, February 15, 2013

Six Myths of Effective Communication

Six Myths of Effective Communication

Samsung Galaxy

Communication Process or Effective Communication or Communication Skills are such subjects that has been properly researched and many authors have filled volumes of pages to explain all the nitty-gritty involved in communication and to explain to the world how one can and must communicate with others or group of people. A simple Google search for "Effective Communication" generates 44 million pages. Yet, I believe that the communication process as a whole is governed by certain myths and misnomer. We are preparing this write-up to touch upon some of those myths and provide clarity.

1) Language is critical for effective communication process - In India; we speak more than 18 recognized languages. Have you ever wondered how does a Kashmiri local communicate with his fellow citizen from Southern part of India or our Marathi Maanus (local from Maharastra) communicate with other country men from Eastern India? They don't use common language to communicate with one another or to express their thoughts. Yet, they communicate effectively, if not efficiently. Your ability to read, write and speak any particular language or list of languages comprises only 10% of communication process and the balance of 90% of communication process consists of your body-language, facial expressions, message, context, complexity or simplicity of the message (words, terminologies, and jargons used in the message), listening, perceiving, interpreting and giving feedback. How efficient or inefficient you are during the 90% of the communication processes makes the overall communication process either effective or ineffective.

2) Effective communication means your ability to communicate in English Language - Do you know how does the Premier's of world's top three economies (President of China Hu Jintao; Prime Minister of Japan Yukio Hatoyama and President of USA Barack Obama) communicate with one another on world forum? Mr. Hu Jintao and Mr. Yukio Hatoyama have very limited understanding of English language and Mr. Barack Obama is not known for his proficiency in Chinese or Japanese language. It is an irony for our generation to use "effective communication" and "proficiency in English language" as synonym. You cannot make a defense by saying that the English is a widely used language for communication, because it is not. Chinese is the widely used [add language] for communication purposes, followed by Spanish at number two and English at number three. It is also interesting to note that the number of people that use Chinese for communication outnumbers the total number of people that uses Spanish and English combined. There are many prominent people, head of states, historians, and other celebrities who are very effective and influential in their native language, be it French, Italian, Hindi, Arabic or any other language, but they are not good with English language. Does this mean that they are not effective communicators or they have deficiency in their communication? English is not the only language used for communication but is one among many other languages used for the purpose.

3) Ability to write and speak proficiently qualifies you as an excellent communicator - If you write well in any language then you can become a writer and if you speak well in any language then you can become a good speaker or orator but that doesn't qualify as an excellent communicator. What will you do with your ability to write flawlessly and speak fluently when whatever you write is a piece of irrelevant nonsense and whatever you speak is senseless rubbish? Communication is not just about speaking and writing. It is about understanding the message, context of the message and time of communication.

4) What you communicate is not as important as how you communicate - There is a difference between being a communicator and being a spokesperson and the key difference is related to the ownership of the message. When you communicate, you know what you are communicating, you take-up the responsibility and you also provide clarification, if required. Subject matter expertise is important. Verifying your facts and figures is important. Taking up the ownership is critical. When you are a spokesperson, you pass-on the message prepared by others and are not in a position to provide any clarification and enhancement.

5) People holding command over two different languages cannot communicate efficiently - Language is one of the modes to communicate and fortunately, it is not the only way. While communicating, your message, body-language, facial expression and confidence level, should sync to make it an effective communication. Recently, I went to a laundry shop to check the cost. I can communicate in three languages but the shop-owner didn't know any of those three. Yet, we communicated, verified our message, gave feedback to one another and gave acknowledgement of acceptance of message. Communication across languages and cultures is possible, provided we minimize our self-constructed hurdles. If I decide to not to understand or accept the message then doesn't matter what language or mode of communication the other person uses, I will never understand. It has a lot to do with the willingness and desire of both the parties involved in communication process.

6) "No communication" is good communication - In our personal life as well as in work-life we ignore or curtail many requests for communication. We assume that it is good to not respond to a particular message. We hold the information which is meant to be passed-on to people up or down the hierarchy. "No response" or "No communication" or "No feedback" is not considered as good communication but this in turn strangles and complicates many workplaces as well as family relations that actually require frequent exchange of messages for its very existence.

Key elements required for effective communication

1) Know what you are communicating - Knowing what you are communicating is very critical. While communicating, one must correlate his or her own thought process with that of the sensibility of an individual or group of people that they are communicating with. Communication is not a onetime process but involves many to and fro motions and rounds of clarifications, and feedback and hence subject matter expertise is crucial. If you fail to provide the required clarification then you may risk losing your credibility as a communicator.

2) Know the size and composition of people that you are communicating with - It is important to know the composition, size of group (One-to-one or One-to-many or Many-to-one) and cultural background of your audience and based on that you may be required to either level-up or level-down your communication style. If you couldn't level-up or level-down your communication style based on the need then either you will be considered as incompetent or an idiot.

3) Credibility, Sincerity and Trustworthiness - Do you walk your talk? Are you a reliable and serious communicator or are you an entertainer or publicity seeker? How honest are you in your communication? Are you a habitual liar? Are you authorized to communicate or are you the right person to communicate on the subject or matter that you are discussing or debating about? What's been your background? All these affect your communication process and your credentials as a communicator.

4) Time of communication - Delay in communication or communicating the wrong message at right time is as good as receiving no communication at all. For example, you could have saved your relation or you could have retained one of your high-performer or you could have brought onboard a very talented candidate but you missed it because you mistimed your communication. There is a right time for every communication to be passed on and for every discussion but unfortunately, the right time is not when you decide it to be right. Just as depicted in one joke between a doctor and a patient.

Doctor: I have good news and a bad news to communicate to you.
Doctor: Good news is that we have been able to prolong the life of your father by one day and the bad news is that I forgot to communicate this to you yesterday.
Good communicator knows the right time to communicate.

5) Precise and simple - Complexity and Longevity of Communication Process kills the essence and effectiveness of the message. Message needs to be simple, straight and accurate. At this point, I remember one of my Department Head. When asked to provide highlights or summary of a concept, he sends across a document of 75-100 pages and of which 99% of text and data would be irrelevant.

6) Feedback - Feedback is very important as it ensures that the message has been understood and accepted in the manner it should have been and that there is no conflict of understanding between the sender and the receiver.

Things to avoid

There are few things that one must avoid to ensure effective communication.

1) Assumptions - There are further two issues that are related to assumptions.
a) Communication between sender (s) and receiver (s) should not have any space for ambiguity. Message must be clearly stated and understood by both the parties and should not be left anything on fancy assumptions. Any such assumption can be fatal for the execution or follow-up of the message.
b) In a relationship between boss and subordinates, among team-members, between employer (or representative of employer) and between any two people that share emotional proximity, mis-communication or lack of communication or misrepresentation in communication leads to assumptions, and gives space for gossip and rumors which in turn distorts the relation, trust and reliability.

2) Common Lingo - In group communication, it is critical to communicate in a language that is understood by everybody else in the group to avoid any conflict of interest, to ensure fairness and transparency. Setting-up a common lingo with one or two or a set of people within a group, which in a way eliminate others from the communication process and make them look embarrassing, not only shows you as disgraceful, disrespectful, scandalous, and despicable but also put questions on your credibility, honesty and communication skills. I was staying with one couple and to keep me out of their discussion, they used to communicate, not privately but right in front of me, in a language that they thought I cannot understand or conversant in. Least did they know that not only I could pick-up few words in that language but their tone and body-language was loud and clear enough to pass on the message. In a group situation, such things need to be avoided or else these put us in an awkward and embarrassing situation.


Tell us what you are going to tell us, tell us, and then tell us what you told us; that is the essence of communication process. Good communication requires clarity of thought, precision of language and empathy with your intended audience. People will interpret your message differently based on their level of education, past experience, familiarity with the topic, fluency in your language, etc. A good communicator has his audience's best interests at heart. They concentrate on the message, not themselves.

We do not talk TO people, we talk WITH people.

We welcome your comments and feedback because that's been very crucial for us. Feel free to contact us for any clarification or professional assistance.

Have a great day and take good care of yourself.

Six Myths of Effective Communication

French Laundry

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 4.92 Mins.

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

[Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル, 동공대스타일)] second link(for mobile) : Finally a college version of Gangnam style parody has landed to Japan!! This is 'Tokyo Institute of Technology(Tokyo Tech) ' style. 東工大スタイルです。YouTubeで大ヒットしたカンナムスタイルをパロディしてみました。ぜひ楽しんでください。 Special Thanks to +Tokyo Tech Style Core Team(written in video) +Facebook flashmob group +Circles or organizations: Meister, TISA(Tokyo Tech International Student Association), CREATE, SOS(cosplay circle), Photograph circle, H20(dance circle), Rockken(band club), American football circle, TEDxTitech Team, LANDFALL, IDAcademy, Chinese Student Association, Korean Student Association +Tokyo Tech Ookayama Campus: International Student Center, ICS-HUB(with think aloud), Cheese cake Library, Monotsukuri center(manufacturing center), Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Tsubame 2.0(Super computer) +Waseda university: students who were involved in flash mob(esp. Ben and Alan) +People: Sato Yuriko(Prof, ISC), Ikegami Akira(Prof, Journalist), Patrick Harlen(Prof, Celebrity), +Advisor:Tom Hope(IPO), Aya yamamoto and Rin Takahashi(ICS), Kin sougin, Ryohei Hara, Batchunag Dashdemberel, Ji-sung Park, Antonín Povolńy -Main extras;Victor Torres, Mario Di-Prof Walker, Robin Garhwal, Giwoon Han, Seungman Choi, Akira Shirai, Julian Lindblad, Philip Irri, Sota Kimura, Phan Tom, Phan Phuc, Kawauchi Kohei Thanks a zillion to you all who were involved in this. And ...

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

No URL Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

Federal Prison Camp - Punishment Or Vacation

Samsung Galaxy

Do you ever wonder what goes on in a federal prison camp? What does an inmate do all day? As a former federal prison camp inmate I will give you a brief overview of one camp and then you can decide for yourself, is this punishment or is it just a vacation.

First let me begin with the housing arrangement. Use your imagination and picture a large empty warehouse building with heating and air conditioning, add 64 bunk beds with a locker and chair next to each one. Then add three offices one for a correctional officer and the other two for administrative use, one recreation supply room, one exercise room with four pieces of equipment, laundry room with eight washers and dryers plus an ice machine, three closed in TV rooms with a larger TV in the open, fourteen private showers with plenty hot water and a large restroom with a separate lavatory area.

Second is the food service. Breakfast was at 6:00 am every morning weekdays and 7:00 am on weekends with food ranging from fruits, cereal and milk to prepared eggs with toast. Lunch was always schedule for 11:00am and dinner at 4:00 pm with a menu that consisted of a simple peanut butter sandwich and hot dog to baked turkey with all the trimmings. The food quantity is abundant and quality was like at a university or school cafeteria.

Third was an assigned work details. The work mainly assigned to inmates consisted of maintaining the federal prison camp and high security prison next door from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm weekdays with an hour lunch. Work was first assigned to those with specific skills. For example a mechanic worked in the garage maintaining the fleet of government vehicles, a welder was assigned to the welding shop for institution needs, someone skilled in heating and air was assigned to the maintenance department, and those with computer and administrative skills would work in education, administration or on a computer. The other work details ranged from food service to janitorial or landscaping to warehouse workers. Did you know that inmates were paid and hourly wage for their work? A prison inmate's income in the federal prison camp usually ranges from a few dollars to over a hundred per month depending on the work detail they are assigned to.

Fourth is recreation and leisure time. After seven hours of work and afternoon dinner every inmate spends time on their own interest or just relaxing. Inmate activities consisting of watching TV all night, drawing and painting in the art room, leather craft, reading and writing in the library, listening to music or watch educational materials provided by the prison camp administration, walking around the track, exercise, play recreational sports like basketball, soccer, handball, flag football, baseball, volleyball or ping pong, some take time to do laundry, taking a nap or playing cards and dominos with other inmates.

Fifth is weekend visitation. Families are allowed to visit their loved ones from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Saturday and Sunday. Visitation takes place in an open area where everything is visible and usually only one correctional officer is monitoring the visit. Up to five family members can visit with an inmate for the entire time and on some occasions with permission more than five. It looks like a big family reunion with all the kids playing and adults talking.

Sixth is religion. Every inmate is free to worship whatever faith they follow. Federal prison chaplains are available to see that time and schedules are set aside for inmates to worship. Volunteers and church groups visit often to provide church services and bible studies to inmates.

Seventh is the medical facility. If an inmate was to get sick or hurt a medical team is on staff to handle any situation as well local hospitals for emergencies.

Finally there is the commissary. This is provided to inmates once every week where they can shop and purchase any variety of items from chips and candy to multi vitamins, stamps and birthday cards to over the counter medication. The commissary is similar to the mini-marts you stop to get gas and with similar prices. So if an inmate is unhappy with a particular menu that day he can always fall back on a microwavable dish from the commissary and TV watching always goes better with a hot bag of buttered popcorn.

Well now you know the facts about one United States federal prison camp. What do you think is it punishment or is it a vacation?

Federal Prison Camp - Punishment Or Vacation

French Laundry

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 4.92 Mins.

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

[Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル, 동공대스타일)] second link(for mobile) : Finally a college version of Gangnam style parody has landed to Japan!! This is 'Tokyo Institute of Technology(Tokyo Tech) ' style. 東工大スタイルです。YouTubeで大ヒットしたカンナムスタイルをパロディしてみました。ぜひ楽しんでください。 Special Thanks to +Tokyo Tech Style Core Team(written in video) +Facebook flashmob group +Circles or organizations: Meister, TISA(Tokyo Tech International Student Association), CREATE, SOS(cosplay circle), Photograph circle, H20(dance circle), Rockken(band club), American football circle, TEDxTitech Team, LANDFALL, IDAcademy, Chinese Student Association, Korean Student Association +Tokyo Tech Ookayama Campus: International Student Center, ICS-HUB(with think aloud), Cheese cake Library, Monotsukuri center(manufacturing center), Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Tsubame 2.0(Super computer) +Waseda university: students who were involved in flash mob(esp. Ben and Alan) +People: Sato Yuriko(Prof, ISC), Ikegami Akira(Prof, Journalist), Patrick Harlen(Prof, Celebrity), +Advisor:Tom Hope(IPO), Aya yamamoto and Rin Takahashi(ICS), Kin sougin, Ryohei Hara, Batchunag Dashdemberel, Ji-sung Park, Antonín Povolńy -Main extras;Victor Torres, Mario Di-Prof Walker, Robin Garhwal, Giwoon Han, Seungman Choi, Akira Shirai, Julian Lindblad, Philip Irri, Sota Kimura, Phan Tom, Phan Phuc, Kawauchi Kohei Thanks a zillion to you all who were involved in this. And ...

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

No URL Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

What Has Changed in Health & Fitness Over the Last 30 Years?

Samsung Galaxy

There have been many changes in fitness over the past 30 years. It's human nature to reminisce about times past. That's great but lets not forget that things change as well. This is certainly true in the area of health and fitness. "If you do what you have always done, you will get the results you have always gotten" is true, but what if the situation changes? Then what used to work is no longer a viable and effect way to get the results that we want. In this article I will outline seven items that have changed over the past 30 or so years that affect the way we view health, fitness, exercise and what is considered "best". Let's look at some of these changes in Fitness.

1. Activity level

This change in fitness is pretty obvious. We just don't move around as much as we used to 30 years ago.

Currently, the average sedentary person living in an urban setting takes 900-3000 steps a day. Uh... that's a puny number! In the journal of sports medicine existing literature was pulled together to set a general guideline of what a good number of steps per day would be

The author Dr. Catrine Tudor-Locke translated different physical activity into steps-per-day equivalents. A rate of fewer than 5,000 is classified as sedentary, 5,000 to 7,499 is low active, 7,500 to 9,999 is somewhat active 10,000 or more is active and 12,500 or more is very active. So what does 900 make us? Close to dead! But its not hard to imagine. Get up from, take elevator to car park, drive car, take elevator to office, sit down, order fast food, reverse the process to go home and go back to bed. Just to note, 1km is about 1300 steps.

Its gotten to the point where we have to purposely inconvenience ourselves to get our activity level up. Here are some suggestions (that actually show us how pathetic our average activity levels have become).

Park at the far end of the car park and walk to your building Instead of dropping the kids off in front of the school, park a couple of streets before it and walk them the rest of the way... 10,000 is actually considered a LOW estimate for children.

Go round the shopping centre or supermarket in a random. With today's super malls, this is a big thing!

Take the stairs instead of the lift or escalator (well if you work on the 50th floor, maybe climb halfway to start)

Give the dog an extra 5 minutes on his walk (we need it even more than him)

Stop emailing colleagues in the same office, instead go over and talk to them (shockingly effective considering how much email we send each day!... great for team building as well)

Go for a walk during your lunch break, walk to get your lunch or to find somewhere to eat your lunch

Get up and do something, run up and down the stairs for example during TV ads (no excuses here!)

Walk to the corner shop instead of driving or popping in on your way home

Walk to friends houses instead of driving

Take public transport and walk from the train station

Dr. David Bassett studied an Amish community to see what things were like in the past. These guys have no cars, no electricity and do hard manual labor to put food on the table. Its like time travel to the past. They eat 3 large meals a day with lots of meat, vegetables and natural starches like potatoes.

The 98 Amish adults Bassett surveyed wore pedometers for a week. The men averaged 18,000 steps a day. The women took an average of 14,000 steps.

The men spent about 10 hours a week doing heavy work like plowing, shoeing horses, tossing hay bales, and digging. The women spent about 3.5 hours a week at heavy chores. Men spent 55 hours a week in moderate activity; women reported 45 hours a week of moderate chores like gardening and doing laundry. Wow that's a lot of manual labor. Get a pedometer (its only like 20 bucks) and see how you fare.

2. Fat Percentages and Obesity

Activity level leads us right on to this point about obesity. The scary obesity rate is one of the most obvious changes in fitness.

The obesity rate among the participants in the study of the Amish population was 4 percent, as determined by body mass index, or BMI. The current obesity rate among the urban populations is 30% or more. OK the obesity percentages are a scary thing because obesity is already in the "VERY high risk of a lot of bad ways to die" category. There is still the overweight category (obviously fat but not hitting the medically obese range) to consider. These people are at a high risk already!

The total percentages of overweight + obese are really wild... hitting close to 70% in some cities. Compare this to the average in the 1980s. 10-15% obesity in most cities. It rose to the mid 20% in 1995 and its now at an all time high.

3. Diet

OK linked to point no.2 is of course diet. This is another obvious change in fitness. Its very simple actually. We now eat more refined foods (white bread, sugar, rice, flour, noodles). In the body these give pretty much the same response - FAT storage. The only time we should eat these items is immediately after hard training. As we can tell from point no.1, not much of any training is going on. But lots of eating is!

We also eat less fresh fruits, vegetables and meats. We eat more snacks like chips and cookies (which are also refined despite what advertisers claim).

These changes in fitness are made more troubling because even natural foods today are not as good for us as they used to be. Current farming methods make vitamin and mineral content in fruits and vegetables drop about 10-40% depending on the mineral. Corn fed meats don't give us as good an omega 6 to omega 3 ratio as we used to get from grass fed and free range animals. (that means not so many healthy fatty acids for us)

And of course, we are also simply consuming more calories. The Amish people in the study in point no.1 ate about 3600 calories/day for men and 2100 calories/day for women. Many sedentary people consume this much and more! How? Well a fully "featured" gourmet coffee from coffee bean or Starbucks can add up to 500 calories in an instant of caffeine folly.

That's 2 hours of walking for an average sized lady.

Just remember, calorie quality counts as well. 2000 calories of vegetables, meat and healthy fats is infinitely better than 2000 calories from french fries. Its close to impossible to get fat on the first, and nearly impossible not to get fat with the second.

I like this car analogy. If you had a 2million dollar dream car, would you put low grade or high grade petrol into it? High grade of course! Then why do some people put low grade filth into their bodies which are so much more important than the car we drive?

4. Games children play

The average child who grows up in an urban environment is a motor-skill weakling. As a hobby, I coach youth basketball. In our talent scouting, I have kids do a very simple drill of dribbling in and out and around cones. There are so many kids who can't do it and some who I think might fall down if asked to RUN around the cones without the ball! This is in contrast to the past where kids ran around, chased each other, played physical games and sports of all kinds, where the playground was the center of fun for young kids. This lack of activity not only causes a change in fitness for the child in his/her youth, but has a profound long term effect as well.

Of course this change in fitness is a result of a combination of possible factors.

Parents who only consider academic success to be worth striving for, who only give a child recognition and praise when they do well in academic subjects.

An education system who also values book knowledge above other things and takes away physical education classes to put more academic lessons in.

Poorly taught PE lessons that don't help a child develop motor skills in the key early years Busy double-income families where fathers are not free to play with their children (or don't care enough to... money isn't everything dads)

The maddening computer game addiction situation where virtual life is more important than real life. I believe this is the reason for all the empty basketball courts in my neighbourhood. It used to be that teams lined up to play there. Now only people my age (late 20s to 30s) play. No young kids are there any more.

But actually, so what? The issue is that if kids stink at sport and physical activity, the well known psychological factor of "competence" comes is. Simply put, in general, we do what we are good at. If our next generation is poor at sport and physical activity, they are even less likely to do any of it! Which combined with items 1 to 3, make for a deadly health crisis for many countries. Obesity costs the UK 7.4 billion in national health care per year! If we don't help our kids, that's only going to grow to be a bigger and bigger burden for everybody.

5. Social Support

This is a more subtle change in fitness. People are communal animals. We stick with things because there is a supportive community behind us. Even drug and alcoholism rehab centers recognise this. We all need social support. But social links are getting weaker. And no, Friendster and MySpace links don't make up for it.

In a more connected but less close world (I know so many people who are only comfortable behind a computer screen and not in front of a real person) there is less social support than in the past (extended families, communal living, strong friendships within a neighbourhood etc) and its hard to stick with something which requires dedication and sacrifice like an exercise program. I'm not a sociologist but I do believe there is a reason that exercise classes do better in terms of membership than individualized training. Most of them certainly are not as effective as great individual coaching. But the social factor does come in when sustaining a lifestyle change is involved.

6. Free Time

This subtle change in fitness is pretty clear. We just have less time that we "own". Bosses, social, family and other commitments make free time a very precious commodity and it adds difficulty to the fact that time is our only non renewable resource. When we choose to exercise or spend time cooking to keep a healthy lifestyle, we are competing with movies, games, TV and other things for free time. We know that exercise is good for us, but it not only has to be good for us, it has to be BETTER in our minds than the latest episode of desperate housewives, or the latest computer game. That's the issue. We need to prioritize long term health over temporary fun.

7. Training methods

OK here is where we are doing well. 30 years ago the aerobics craze took the western world by storm. Its not a very good training method both in terms of results, and in terms of results per unit of time. Add that to the fact that we have such minimal time to train, we can't afford to train in a sub-optimal way. We know a lot more now. Fortunately for us, there are good methods that smart coaches use to improve training efficiency and get RESULTS even with less training time. Some of these include smartly designed resistance training programs, interval training and good assessment techniques to determine individual needs. If you have a coach like that in your corner, you can turn back the clock and avoid becoming one of the ever growing statistic of people who's health is headed in the wrong direction. Stay fit and strong and good luck!

What Has Changed in Health & Fitness Over the Last 30 Years?

French Laundry

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 4.92 Mins.

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

[Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル, 동공대스타일)] second link(for mobile) : Finally a college version of Gangnam style parody has landed to Japan!! This is 'Tokyo Institute of Technology(Tokyo Tech) ' style. 東工大スタイルです。YouTubeで大ヒットしたカンナムスタイルをパロディしてみました。ぜひ楽しんでください。 Special Thanks to +Tokyo Tech Style Core Team(written in video) +Facebook flashmob group +Circles or organizations: Meister, TISA(Tokyo Tech International Student Association), CREATE, SOS(cosplay circle), Photograph circle, H20(dance circle), Rockken(band club), American football circle, TEDxTitech Team, LANDFALL, IDAcademy, Chinese Student Association, Korean Student Association +Tokyo Tech Ookayama Campus: International Student Center, ICS-HUB(with think aloud), Cheese cake Library, Monotsukuri center(manufacturing center), Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Tsubame 2.0(Super computer) +Waseda university: students who were involved in flash mob(esp. Ben and Alan) +People: Sato Yuriko(Prof, ISC), Ikegami Akira(Prof, Journalist), Patrick Harlen(Prof, Celebrity), +Advisor:Tom Hope(IPO), Aya yamamoto and Rin Takahashi(ICS), Kin sougin, Ryohei Hara, Batchunag Dashdemberel, Ji-sung Park, Antonín Povolńy -Main extras;Victor Torres, Mario Di-Prof Walker, Robin Garhwal, Giwoon Han, Seungman Choi, Akira Shirai, Julian Lindblad, Philip Irri, Sota Kimura, Phan Tom, Phan Phuc, Kawauchi Kohei Thanks a zillion to you all who were involved in this. And ...

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

No URL Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

Top Brands Comparison - Samsonite Luggage, Travelpro Luggage, and Delsey Luggage

Samsung Galaxy

Samsonite Luggage, Travelpro Luggage and Delsey Luggage are some of the renowned companies that are associated with the manufacturing of different kinds of travel bags. The bags made by these companies offer several unique features and with the quality and style these bags appeal to a large section of people.

Samsonite Luggage

Samsonite Sahora Brights 20in. Spinner Upright is one of the most-used branded spinner bags. The dimensions, capacity and weight of this bag are respectively 40 linear inches, 1729 cubic inches and 9.5 lbs. Usually, this popular Samsonite travel bag provides lots of facilities to its users. Shiny polycarbonate and Samsonite's ABS corners are the main materials used to make this bag. Like all other Samsonite luggage bags, it has spinner wheels, side and top carry handles, easily accessible pockets and large main compartment. Though, this bag has lots of useful features to offer, it's selling price is not high. It is said that the 2 main reasons behind the popularity of this best-rated Samsonite luggage are reasonable price rate and long lasting quality.

Travelpro Luggage

Travelpro company manufactures a wide variety of luggage carriers. Among them, Travelpro FlightPro 4 28in. Expandable Rollaboard Suiter is considered to be the highest-rated one. It's dimensions, weight and capacity measure respectively around 60 linear inches, 14.3 lbs and 6384 cubic inches. For making this useful bag, ballistic nylon is being used. Some of the main features of Travelpro Luggage include single-hand locking handle, side and top carry handles, collapsible hook, 1 big pocket on the exterior, U-shaped back pocket, rubberized pad lock, TSA lock system, fully-lined interior, removable toiletry divider and deluxe garment sleeve, 2 elastic side shoe pockets. Sale price of this highly-durable item is around 5.95.

Delsey Luggage

Delsey Helium Pilot 24in. Expandable Suiter Trolley is quite popular among the business and leisure travelers. It is 49.5 linear inches in dimensions, 3466 cubic inches in capacity and 10.5 lbs in weight. Denier Ballistic Teflon is mainly used to make this bag. Since, this is a long lasting material, these bags provide long durability to its users. Some of the main features of Delsey Helium bag are push button locking handle, in line skate wheels, side protector pads, Poly jacquard lining, laundry pocket and TSA lock system. Usually, the sale price of this bag remains around 2.95.

Top Brands Comparison - Samsonite Luggage, Travelpro Luggage, and Delsey Luggage

French Laundry

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 4.92 Mins.

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

[Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル, 동공대스타일)] second link(for mobile) : Finally a college version of Gangnam style parody has landed to Japan!! This is 'Tokyo Institute of Technology(Tokyo Tech) ' style. 東工大スタイルです。YouTubeで大ヒットしたカンナムスタイルをパロディしてみました。ぜひ楽しんでください。 Special Thanks to +Tokyo Tech Style Core Team(written in video) +Facebook flashmob group +Circles or organizations: Meister, TISA(Tokyo Tech International Student Association), CREATE, SOS(cosplay circle), Photograph circle, H20(dance circle), Rockken(band club), American football circle, TEDxTitech Team, LANDFALL, IDAcademy, Chinese Student Association, Korean Student Association +Tokyo Tech Ookayama Campus: International Student Center, ICS-HUB(with think aloud), Cheese cake Library, Monotsukuri center(manufacturing center), Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Tsubame 2.0(Super computer) +Waseda university: students who were involved in flash mob(esp. Ben and Alan) +People: Sato Yuriko(Prof, ISC), Ikegami Akira(Prof, Journalist), Patrick Harlen(Prof, Celebrity), +Advisor:Tom Hope(IPO), Aya yamamoto and Rin Takahashi(ICS), Kin sougin, Ryohei Hara, Batchunag Dashdemberel, Ji-sung Park, Antonín Povolńy -Main extras;Victor Torres, Mario Di-Prof Walker, Robin Garhwal, Giwoon Han, Seungman Choi, Akira Shirai, Julian Lindblad, Philip Irri, Sota Kimura, Phan Tom, Phan Phuc, Kawauchi Kohei Thanks a zillion to you all who were involved in this. And ...

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

No URL Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

Do You Crave Salt?

Samsung Galaxy

Do you crave salt? Do you put salt on your food? Do you love salty nuts, potato
chips or French fries, popcorn, pretzels, cheese puffs, or other salty snack foods?
Chances are, you are eating the wrong kind of salt!

Natural Salt

Salt, as it occurs in the Earth, is a complex crystal containing eighty-four elements
that are vital to life. These include hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sodium,
magnesium, silicum, chloride, calcium, titanium, chromium, manganese, iron,
copper, zinc, selenium, zirconium, silver, iodine, platinum, gold, and many more. As
salt moves through the ecosystem, salt nourishes plants and animals, supporting all

These nutrients are the same elements originally found existing in the "primal
ocean" where all life originated, and the same elements our bodies need for good

Table Salt -- Industrial Sodium Chloride

What is sold as table salt for us to eat is actually a product of industrial production.

About 93 percent of salt production worldwide is used directly for industrial
purposes. It is essential to make products such as laundry detergent, varnish,
plastics and other products.

For these industrial uses, chemical processes require pure sodium chloride. To
obtain sodium chloride, all the essential minerals and trace elements are removed
from natural salt and discarded as impurities.

The remaining sodium chloride is used to preserve foods inexpensively, which is
why so many ready-to-eat food products are heavily "salted" with sodium chloride.
The sodium chloride inhibits the natural breakdown of the food, increasing its shelf
life of foods that would naturally spoil very quickly. Since foods break down in our
bodies with the same processes nature uses to break foods down outside of our
bodies, sodium chloride in food products also makes them more difficult to digest.

Sodium chloride is fine for factories, but it doesn't belong in our bodies!
It is an unnatural, isolated substance that is nothing like the living salt found in

Our Bodies Contain a Living Sea

Our bodies contain the same salty liquid as that of the primal sea--a fluid
consisting of water and salt. This flows through more than 56,000 miles of
waterways and blood vessels, regulating and balancing the functions of our bodies.

To replenish this sea, our bodies need natural salt. While our bodies require only
0.007 ounces of whole, natural salt per day (that's about 1/25th of a teaspoon), we
could eat sodium chloride--with only two of the eighty-four essential elements--all
day long and still be deficient of the nutrients we need from real salt.

Nutrient-deficient Sodium Chloride Makes Our Bodies Crave Real, Natural Salt

Because our bodies need natural salt, when we eat less than 0.007 ounces of natural
salt per day, a salt craving kicks in. When we eat sodium chloride, it contains none
of the nutrients our bodies need. Craving the nutrients found in natural salt, we eat
more and more sodium chloride and set up a vicious cycle that results in more and
more cravings.

Whether or not we are aware of the dangers of sodium chloride, our bodies
recognize sodium chloride as an unnatural substance--a poison--and try to
eliminate it as quickly as possible. The problem is, we eat more salt than our bodies
can process out. Here in the United States, our average daily consumption of table
salt is between 0.4 ounces and 0.7 ounces. Our bodies are only able to excrete 0.17
ounces to 0.25 ounces a day through our kidneys, depending on our age,
constitution and sex.

Our bodies then try to neutralize whatever sodium chloride is left in the body by
surrounding it with water molecules in order to break it down into sodium and
chloride. For this process, our bodies take water from our cells. Without water, our
body cells die.

The result is edema, or excess fluid in the body tissue. This is why doctors tell us to
avoid salt.

If there is more sodium chloride in a body than it can neutralize by pulling water out
of cells, the body get rids of the excess sodium chloride by binding it with uric acid
to form new crystals. These are deposited directly in the bones and joints and are
known as arthritis, gout, and kidney and gall bladder stones.

The Natural Salt Solution

When we eat natural, living salt, which contains all it's original elements, our bodies
receive the 0.007 ounces of actual salt it needs to thrive. A little goes a very long
way to creating good health.

Because natural salt provides the elements the body needs, the body no longer
craves salt and the natural balance of salt intake and elimination is re-established.
Ills caused by excessive intake of sodium chloride disappear. You can enjoy the
enhanced flavor of foods with salt that will add to your good health, naturally.

Do You Crave Salt?

French Laundry

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 4.92 Mins.

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

[Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル, 동공대스타일)] second link(for mobile) : Finally a college version of Gangnam style parody has landed to Japan!! This is 'Tokyo Institute of Technology(Tokyo Tech) ' style. 東工大スタイルです。YouTubeで大ヒットしたカンナムスタイルをパロディしてみました。ぜひ楽しんでください。 Special Thanks to +Tokyo Tech Style Core Team(written in video) +Facebook flashmob group +Circles or organizations: Meister, TISA(Tokyo Tech International Student Association), CREATE, SOS(cosplay circle), Photograph circle, H20(dance circle), Rockken(band club), American football circle, TEDxTitech Team, LANDFALL, IDAcademy, Chinese Student Association, Korean Student Association +Tokyo Tech Ookayama Campus: International Student Center, ICS-HUB(with think aloud), Cheese cake Library, Monotsukuri center(manufacturing center), Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Tsubame 2.0(Super computer) +Waseda university: students who were involved in flash mob(esp. Ben and Alan) +People: Sato Yuriko(Prof, ISC), Ikegami Akira(Prof, Journalist), Patrick Harlen(Prof, Celebrity), +Advisor:Tom Hope(IPO), Aya yamamoto and Rin Takahashi(ICS), Kin sougin, Ryohei Hara, Batchunag Dashdemberel, Ji-sung Park, Antonín Povolńy -Main extras;Victor Torres, Mario Di-Prof Walker, Robin Garhwal, Giwoon Han, Seungman Choi, Akira Shirai, Julian Lindblad, Philip Irri, Sota Kimura, Phan Tom, Phan Phuc, Kawauchi Kohei Thanks a zillion to you all who were involved in this. And ...

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

No URL Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

How To Sew Lined Shoe Bags For Golf, Tennis, Bowling, Gym, Dance or any Other Drawstring Bag

Samsung Galaxy

Sewing shoe bags for the guys or gals in your life is a great gift idea. No matter what sport or hobby they enjoy or where they travel. . .far away or to the gym, shoe bags or drawstring bags come in handy.

The how to sew sewing instructions are for a lined drawstring shoe bag.

You are the designer. You can decide the purpose, fabric, design and size of your drawstring bag. Here are some suggestions.


Use whatever fabric suits your fancy. About 1/2 yard of fabric makes one shoe bag.

Sturdier fabrics like denim, canvas, slipcover fabric, fake suede, corduroy, etc. work well for sturdier shoes.

Fine fabrics like velour, velvet, cottons, flannels, etc. are good for dressier shoes.

Think about satin or silk for lingerie bags or jewelry bags. Or use mesh or terry for the beach or laundry bags.

Lining is optional. But, if you line the bags, choose a compatible lining fabric that won't tear easily especially for the sturdier shoes. Sometimes the same fabric is the best lining. The instructions here are for a lined drawstring bag.

You may want to use washable fabrics so you can launder the bags later.

Preshrink all fabrics before cutting.


Use a pair of 36 inch long decorative shoe laces or leather laces for each bag or heavy cord or sew your own fabric or fake suede drawstrings. Ribbon also works.


Sew a test bag to see if the dimensions are right for you.

Cut one bag with the following suggested dimensions. Place the shoe inside and check to see if it fits well. Add or subtract from the length or width to adjust for whatever shoe or item that you have.

Suggested Sizes

For 2 golf shoe bags, cut 4 pieces of fabric 20 inches long and 11 inches wide. Cut 4 pieces of lining 19 inches long and 10-1/2 inches wide.

Note: Cut an extra drawstring bag for a golf ball bag.

Two bowling shoes will fit into one shoe bag. Cut 2 pieces of fabric 20 inches long and 11 inches wide. Cut 2 lining 19 inches long and 10-1/2 inches wide.

One bag may also hold 2 tennis shoes or 2 ladies dress shoes.

Gym shoes vary in size. For extra large or small shoes, measure around the shoe and adjust the size of the fabric plus seam allowances to accommodate the size of the shoe.

How To Sew Sewing Technique

Decorate the Shoe Bag

Make the drawstring bag unique with a special design or emblem. Think about monogramming the bags or adding a sport motif applique or embroidery design prior to stitching. Place the design about 3 inches from the bottom in the center of one of the 20 x 11 pieces.

After you trim the bag, place 2 bag pieces right sides together.

Measure and make a mark 5 inches down from the top of the bag on both sides.

Stitch 1/2 inch seam around bag starting and stopping at this 5 inch mark. Do not back stitch. For the first and last inch, use short stitches.

Repeat stitching as above for the lining.

Press all seams open on both bag and the lining.

Press under 1/2 inch on the unstitched 5 inch bag side edges. Fuse or stitch to hold.

Do the same for the lining.

Turn the bag right side out.

Turn the lining right side out.

Machine stitch 1/2" at the bottom of the lining as if you were making a French seam. This creates a strong edge.

Turn the lining wrong side out.

Slip the lining down into the bag so that the top edge of the lining is 1/2 inch below the the top edge of the bag.

Fold the top edge of the front of the bag down 1/2 inch over the lining.

Press this fold to make a crease.

Now, bring the top folded pressed edge of the bag down to meet the side edges at the bottom of the opening.

Pin to hold and stitch close to this fold edge.

To make the casing, stitch 1" above the previous stitching.

Repeat for the back side of the bag.

Insert Drawstrings

Use a safety pin or bodkin to help slide the drawstrings through the casings.

Slide one drawstring through the casing of the bag back and front having ends on the same side of the bag.

Insert the other drawstring starting at the other side of the bag, sliding through the casing of the bag back and front having ends on that side of the bag.

Tie the ends of the drawstrings together.

That completes the lined drawstring shoe bag.

Note: If the shoe bag is wide enough for two shoes, you may want to stitch up the center of the bag from the bottom up to (but do not include) the casing through all the layers to create separate compartments for each shoe to help keep them
from scuffing.

Pin before stitching and test to see if there is enough room
for the shoes. If not, you may want to increase the width
of your shoe bag.

Sew bags any size for anything. Everybody needs a bag for
something. Kids love treasure bags. Make big bags and little bags. Give drawstring bags to family and friends for Fathers' Day, birthday gifts, Christmas gifts, etc. Enjoy sewing bags!

It just makes sense!

How To Sew Lined Shoe Bags For Golf, Tennis, Bowling, Gym, Dance or any Other Drawstring Bag

French Laundry

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 4.92 Mins.

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

[Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル, 동공대스타일)] second link(for mobile) : Finally a college version of Gangnam style parody has landed to Japan!! This is 'Tokyo Institute of Technology(Tokyo Tech) ' style. 東工大スタイルです。YouTubeで大ヒットしたカンナムスタイルをパロディしてみました。ぜひ楽しんでください。 Special Thanks to +Tokyo Tech Style Core Team(written in video) +Facebook flashmob group +Circles or organizations: Meister, TISA(Tokyo Tech International Student Association), CREATE, SOS(cosplay circle), Photograph circle, H20(dance circle), Rockken(band club), American football circle, TEDxTitech Team, LANDFALL, IDAcademy, Chinese Student Association, Korean Student Association +Tokyo Tech Ookayama Campus: International Student Center, ICS-HUB(with think aloud), Cheese cake Library, Monotsukuri center(manufacturing center), Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Tsubame 2.0(Super computer) +Waseda university: students who were involved in flash mob(esp. Ben and Alan) +People: Sato Yuriko(Prof, ISC), Ikegami Akira(Prof, Journalist), Patrick Harlen(Prof, Celebrity), +Advisor:Tom Hope(IPO), Aya yamamoto and Rin Takahashi(ICS), Kin sougin, Ryohei Hara, Batchunag Dashdemberel, Ji-sung Park, Antonín Povolńy -Main extras;Victor Torres, Mario Di-Prof Walker, Robin Garhwal, Giwoon Han, Seungman Choi, Akira Shirai, Julian Lindblad, Philip Irri, Sota Kimura, Phan Tom, Phan Phuc, Kawauchi Kohei Thanks a zillion to you all who were involved in this. And ...

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

No URL Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

Do You Crave Salt?

Samsung Galaxy

Do you crave salt? Do you put salt on your food? Do you love salty nuts, potato
chips or French fries, popcorn, pretzels, cheese puffs, or other salty snack foods?
Chances are, you are eating the wrong kind of salt!

Natural Salt

Salt, as it occurs in the Earth, is a complex crystal containing eighty-four elements
that are vital to life. These include hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sodium,
magnesium, silicum, chloride, calcium, titanium, chromium, manganese, iron,
copper, zinc, selenium, zirconium, silver, iodine, platinum, gold, and many more. As
salt moves through the ecosystem, salt nourishes plants and animals, supporting all

These nutrients are the same elements originally found existing in the "primal
ocean" where all life originated, and the same elements our bodies need for good

Table Salt -- Industrial Sodium Chloride

What is sold as table salt for us to eat is actually a product of industrial production.

About 93 percent of salt production worldwide is used directly for industrial
purposes. It is essential to make products such as laundry detergent, varnish,
plastics and other products.

For these industrial uses, chemical processes require pure sodium chloride. To
obtain sodium chloride, all the essential minerals and trace elements are removed
from natural salt and discarded as impurities.

The remaining sodium chloride is used to preserve foods inexpensively, which is
why so many ready-to-eat food products are heavily "salted" with sodium chloride.
The sodium chloride inhibits the natural breakdown of the food, increasing its shelf
life of foods that would naturally spoil very quickly. Since foods break down in our
bodies with the same processes nature uses to break foods down outside of our
bodies, sodium chloride in food products also makes them more difficult to digest.

Sodium chloride is fine for factories, but it doesn't belong in our bodies!
It is an unnatural, isolated substance that is nothing like the living salt found in

Our Bodies Contain a Living Sea

Our bodies contain the same salty liquid as that of the primal sea--a fluid
consisting of water and salt. This flows through more than 56,000 miles of
waterways and blood vessels, regulating and balancing the functions of our bodies.

To replenish this sea, our bodies need natural salt. While our bodies require only
0.007 ounces of whole, natural salt per day (that's about 1/25th of a teaspoon), we
could eat sodium chloride--with only two of the eighty-four essential elements--all
day long and still be deficient of the nutrients we need from real salt.

Nutrient-deficient Sodium Chloride Makes Our Bodies Crave Real, Natural Salt

Because our bodies need natural salt, when we eat less than 0.007 ounces of natural
salt per day, a salt craving kicks in. When we eat sodium chloride, it contains none
of the nutrients our bodies need. Craving the nutrients found in natural salt, we eat
more and more sodium chloride and set up a vicious cycle that results in more and
more cravings.

Whether or not we are aware of the dangers of sodium chloride, our bodies
recognize sodium chloride as an unnatural substance--a poison--and try to
eliminate it as quickly as possible. The problem is, we eat more salt than our bodies
can process out. Here in the United States, our average daily consumption of table
salt is between 0.4 ounces and 0.7 ounces. Our bodies are only able to excrete 0.17
ounces to 0.25 ounces a day through our kidneys, depending on our age,
constitution and sex.

Our bodies then try to neutralize whatever sodium chloride is left in the body by
surrounding it with water molecules in order to break it down into sodium and
chloride. For this process, our bodies take water from our cells. Without water, our
body cells die.

The result is edema, or excess fluid in the body tissue. This is why doctors tell us to
avoid salt.

If there is more sodium chloride in a body than it can neutralize by pulling water out
of cells, the body get rids of the excess sodium chloride by binding it with uric acid
to form new crystals. These are deposited directly in the bones and joints and are
known as arthritis, gout, and kidney and gall bladder stones.

The Natural Salt Solution

When we eat natural, living salt, which contains all it's original elements, our bodies
receive the 0.007 ounces of actual salt it needs to thrive. A little goes a very long
way to creating good health.

Because natural salt provides the elements the body needs, the body no longer
craves salt and the natural balance of salt intake and elimination is re-established.
Ills caused by excessive intake of sodium chloride disappear. You can enjoy the
enhanced flavor of foods with salt that will add to your good health, naturally.

Do You Crave Salt?

French Laundry

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 4.92 Mins.

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

[Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル, 동공대스타일)] second link(for mobile) : Finally a college version of Gangnam style parody has landed to Japan!! This is 'Tokyo Institute of Technology(Tokyo Tech) ' style. 東工大スタイルです。YouTubeで大ヒットしたカンナムスタイルをパロディしてみました。ぜひ楽しんでください。 Special Thanks to +Tokyo Tech Style Core Team(written in video) +Facebook flashmob group +Circles or organizations: Meister, TISA(Tokyo Tech International Student Association), CREATE, SOS(cosplay circle), Photograph circle, H20(dance circle), Rockken(band club), American football circle, TEDxTitech Team, LANDFALL, IDAcademy, Chinese Student Association, Korean Student Association +Tokyo Tech Ookayama Campus: International Student Center, ICS-HUB(with think aloud), Cheese cake Library, Monotsukuri center(manufacturing center), Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Tsubame 2.0(Super computer) +Waseda university: students who were involved in flash mob(esp. Ben and Alan) +People: Sato Yuriko(Prof, ISC), Ikegami Akira(Prof, Journalist), Patrick Harlen(Prof, Celebrity), +Advisor:Tom Hope(IPO), Aya yamamoto and Rin Takahashi(ICS), Kin sougin, Ryohei Hara, Batchunag Dashdemberel, Ji-sung Park, Antonín Povolńy -Main extras;Victor Torres, Mario Di-Prof Walker, Robin Garhwal, Giwoon Han, Seungman Choi, Akira Shirai, Julian Lindblad, Philip Irri, Sota Kimura, Phan Tom, Phan Phuc, Kawauchi Kohei Thanks a zillion to you all who were involved in this. And ...

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

No URL Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル)

[Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル, 동공대스타일)] second link(for mobile) : Finally a college version of Gangnam style parody has landed to Japan!! This is 'Tokyo Institute of Technology(Tokyo Tech) ' style. 東工大スタイルです。YouTubeで大ヒットしたカンナムスタイルをパロディしてみました。ぜひ楽しんでください。 Special Thanks to +Tokyo Tech Style Core Team(written in video) +Facebook flashmob group +Circles or organizations: Meister, TISA(Tokyo Tech International Student Association), CREATE, SOS(cosplay circle), Photograph circle, H20(dance circle), Rockken(band club), American football circle, TEDxTitech Team, LANDFALL, IDAcademy, Chinese Student Association, Korean Student Association +Tokyo Tech Ookayama Campus: International Student Center, ICS-HUB(with think aloud), Cheese cake Library, Monotsukuri center(manufacturing center), Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Tsubame 2.0(Super computer) +Waseda university: students who were involved in flash mob(esp. Ben and Alan) +People: Sato Yuriko(Prof, ISC), Ikegami Akira(Prof, Journalist), Patrick Harlen(Prof, Celebrity), +Advisor:Tom Hope(IPO), Aya yamamoto and Rin Takahashi(ICS), Kin sougin, Ryohei Hara, Batchunag Dashdemberel, Ji-sung Park, Antonín Povolńy -Main extras;Victor Torres, Mario Di-Prof Walker, Robin Garhwal, Giwoon Han, Seungman Choi, Akira Shirai, Julian Lindblad, Philip Irri, Sota Kimura, Phan Tom, Phan Phuc, Kawauchi Kohei Thanks a zillion to you all who were involved in this. And ...


French Laundry

Do You Crave Salt?

Do You Crave Salt?
Do You Crave Salt?

French Laundry

[Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル, 동공대스타일)] second link(for mobile) : Finally a college version of Gangnam style parody has landed to Japan!! This is 'Tokyo Institute of Technology(Tokyo Tech) ' style. 東工大スタイルです。YouTubeで大ヒットしたカンナムスタイルをパロディしてみました。ぜひ楽しんでください。 Special Thanks to +Tokyo Tech Style Core Team(written in video) +Facebook flashmob group +Circles or organizations: Meister, TISA(Tokyo Tech International Student Association), CREATE, SOS(cosplay circle), Photograph circle, H20(dance circle), Rockken(band club), American football circle, TEDxTitech Team, LANDFALL, IDAcademy, Chinese Student Association, Korean Student Association +Tokyo Tech Ookayama Campus: International Student Center, ICS-HUB(with think aloud), Cheese cake Library, Monotsukuri center(manufacturing center), Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Tsubame 2.0(Super computer) +Waseda university: students who were involved in flash mob(esp. Ben and Alan) +People: Sato Yuriko(Prof, ISC), Ikegami Akira(Prof, Journalist), Patrick Harlen(Prof, Celebrity), +Advisor:Tom Hope(IPO), Aya yamamoto and Rin Takahashi(ICS), Kin sougin, Ryohei Hara, Batchunag Dashdemberel, Ji-sung Park, Antonín Povolńy -Main extras;Victor Torres, Mario Di-Prof Walker, Robin Garhwal, Giwoon Han, Seungman Choi, Akira Shirai, Julian Lindblad, Philip Irri, Sota Kimura, Phan Tom, Phan Phuc, Kawauchi Kohei Thanks a zillion to you all who were involved in this. And ...


French Laundry

How To Sew Lined Shoe Bags For Golf, Tennis, Bowling, Gym, Dance or any Other Drawstring Bag

How To Sew Lined Shoe Bags For Golf, Tennis, Bowling, Gym, Dance or any Other Drawstring Bag
How To Sew Lined Shoe Bags For Golf, Tennis, Bowling, Gym, Dance or any Other Drawstring Bag

French Laundry

[Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル, 동공대스타일)] second link(for mobile) : Finally a college version of Gangnam style parody has landed to Japan!! This is 'Tokyo Institute of Technology(Tokyo Tech) ' style. 東工大スタイルです。YouTubeで大ヒットしたカンナムスタイルをパロディしてみました。ぜひ楽しんでください。 Special Thanks to +Tokyo Tech Style Core Team(written in video) +Facebook flashmob group +Circles or organizations: Meister, TISA(Tokyo Tech International Student Association), CREATE, SOS(cosplay circle), Photograph circle, H20(dance circle), Rockken(band club), American football circle, TEDxTitech Team, LANDFALL, IDAcademy, Chinese Student Association, Korean Student Association +Tokyo Tech Ookayama Campus: International Student Center, ICS-HUB(with think aloud), Cheese cake Library, Monotsukuri center(manufacturing center), Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Tsubame 2.0(Super computer) +Waseda university: students who were involved in flash mob(esp. Ben and Alan) +People: Sato Yuriko(Prof, ISC), Ikegami Akira(Prof, Journalist), Patrick Harlen(Prof, Celebrity), +Advisor:Tom Hope(IPO), Aya yamamoto and Rin Takahashi(ICS), Kin sougin, Ryohei Hara, Batchunag Dashdemberel, Ji-sung Park, Antonín Povolńy -Main extras;Victor Torres, Mario Di-Prof Walker, Robin Garhwal, Giwoon Han, Seungman Choi, Akira Shirai, Julian Lindblad, Philip Irri, Sota Kimura, Phan Tom, Phan Phuc, Kawauchi Kohei Thanks a zillion to you all who were involved in this. And ...


French Laundry

Do You Crave Salt?

Do You Crave Salt?
Do You Crave Salt?

French Laundry

[Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル, 동공대스타일)] second link(for mobile) : Finally a college version of Gangnam style parody has landed to Japan!! This is 'Tokyo Institute of Technology(Tokyo Tech) ' style. 東工大スタイルです。YouTubeで大ヒットしたカンナムスタイルをパロディしてみました。ぜひ楽しんでください。 Special Thanks to +Tokyo Tech Style Core Team(written in video) +Facebook flashmob group +Circles or organizations: Meister, TISA(Tokyo Tech International Student Association), CREATE, SOS(cosplay circle), Photograph circle, H20(dance circle), Rockken(band club), American football circle, TEDxTitech Team, LANDFALL, IDAcademy, Chinese Student Association, Korean Student Association +Tokyo Tech Ookayama Campus: International Student Center, ICS-HUB(with think aloud), Cheese cake Library, Monotsukuri center(manufacturing center), Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Tsubame 2.0(Super computer) +Waseda university: students who were involved in flash mob(esp. Ben and Alan) +People: Sato Yuriko(Prof, ISC), Ikegami Akira(Prof, Journalist), Patrick Harlen(Prof, Celebrity), +Advisor:Tom Hope(IPO), Aya yamamoto and Rin Takahashi(ICS), Kin sougin, Ryohei Hara, Batchunag Dashdemberel, Ji-sung Park, Antonín Povolńy -Main extras;Victor Torres, Mario Di-Prof Walker, Robin Garhwal, Giwoon Han, Seungman Choi, Akira Shirai, Julian Lindblad, Philip Irri, Sota Kimura, Phan Tom, Phan Phuc, Kawauchi Kohei Thanks a zillion to you all who were involved in this. And ...


French Laundry

Top Brands Comparison - Samsonite Luggage, Travelpro Luggage, and Delsey Luggage

Top Brands Comparison - Samsonite Luggage, Travelpro Luggage, and Delsey Luggage
Top Brands Comparison - Samsonite Luggage, Travelpro Luggage, and Delsey Luggage

French Laundry

[Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル, 동공대스타일)] second link(for mobile) : Finally a college version of Gangnam style parody has landed to Japan!! This is 'Tokyo Institute of Technology(Tokyo Tech) ' style. 東工大スタイルです。YouTubeで大ヒットしたカンナムスタイルをパロディしてみました。ぜひ楽しんでください。 Special Thanks to +Tokyo Tech Style Core Team(written in video) +Facebook flashmob group +Circles or organizations: Meister, TISA(Tokyo Tech International Student Association), CREATE, SOS(cosplay circle), Photograph circle, H20(dance circle), Rockken(band club), American football circle, TEDxTitech Team, LANDFALL, IDAcademy, Chinese Student Association, Korean Student Association +Tokyo Tech Ookayama Campus: International Student Center, ICS-HUB(with think aloud), Cheese cake Library, Monotsukuri center(manufacturing center), Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Tsubame 2.0(Super computer) +Waseda university: students who were involved in flash mob(esp. Ben and Alan) +People: Sato Yuriko(Prof, ISC), Ikegami Akira(Prof, Journalist), Patrick Harlen(Prof, Celebrity), +Advisor:Tom Hope(IPO), Aya yamamoto and Rin Takahashi(ICS), Kin sougin, Ryohei Hara, Batchunag Dashdemberel, Ji-sung Park, Antonín Povolńy -Main extras;Victor Torres, Mario Di-Prof Walker, Robin Garhwal, Giwoon Han, Seungman Choi, Akira Shirai, Julian Lindblad, Philip Irri, Sota Kimura, Phan Tom, Phan Phuc, Kawauchi Kohei Thanks a zillion to you all who were involved in this. And ...


French Laundry

What Has Changed in Health & Fitness Over the Last 30 Years?

What Has Changed in Health & Fitness Over the Last 30 Years?
What Has Changed in Health & Fitness Over the Last 30 Years?

French Laundry

[Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル, 동공대스타일)] second link(for mobile) : Finally a college version of Gangnam style parody has landed to Japan!! This is 'Tokyo Institute of Technology(Tokyo Tech) ' style. 東工大スタイルです。YouTubeで大ヒットしたカンナムスタイルをパロディしてみました。ぜひ楽しんでください。 Special Thanks to +Tokyo Tech Style Core Team(written in video) +Facebook flashmob group +Circles or organizations: Meister, TISA(Tokyo Tech International Student Association), CREATE, SOS(cosplay circle), Photograph circle, H20(dance circle), Rockken(band club), American football circle, TEDxTitech Team, LANDFALL, IDAcademy, Chinese Student Association, Korean Student Association +Tokyo Tech Ookayama Campus: International Student Center, ICS-HUB(with think aloud), Cheese cake Library, Monotsukuri center(manufacturing center), Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Tsubame 2.0(Super computer) +Waseda university: students who were involved in flash mob(esp. Ben and Alan) +People: Sato Yuriko(Prof, ISC), Ikegami Akira(Prof, Journalist), Patrick Harlen(Prof, Celebrity), +Advisor:Tom Hope(IPO), Aya yamamoto and Rin Takahashi(ICS), Kin sougin, Ryohei Hara, Batchunag Dashdemberel, Ji-sung Park, Antonín Povolńy -Main extras;Victor Torres, Mario Di-Prof Walker, Robin Garhwal, Giwoon Han, Seungman Choi, Akira Shirai, Julian Lindblad, Philip Irri, Sota Kimura, Phan Tom, Phan Phuc, Kawauchi Kohei Thanks a zillion to you all who were involved in this. And ...


French Laundry

Federal Prison Camp - Punishment Or Vacation

Federal Prison Camp - Punishment Or Vacation
Federal Prison Camp - Punishment Or Vacation

French Laundry

[Tokyo Tech Style (東工大スタイル, 동공대스타일)] second link(for mobile) : Finally a college version of Gangnam style parody has landed to Japan!! This is 'Tokyo Institute of Technology(Tokyo Tech) ' style. 東工大スタイルです。YouTubeで大ヒットしたカンナムスタイルをパロディしてみました。ぜひ楽しんでください。 Special Thanks to +Tokyo Tech Style Core Team(written in video) +Facebook flashmob group +Circles or organizations: Meister, TISA(Tokyo Tech International Student Association), CREATE, SOS(cosplay circle), Photograph circle, H20(dance circle), Rockken(band club), American football circle, TEDxTitech Team, LANDFALL, IDAcademy, Chinese Student Association, Korean Student Association +Tokyo Tech Ookayama Campus: International Student Center, ICS-HUB(with think aloud), Cheese cake Library, Monotsukuri center(manufacturing center), Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Tsubame 2.0(Super computer) +Waseda university: students who were involved in flash mob(esp. Ben and Alan) +People: Sato Yuriko(Prof, ISC), Ikegami Akira(Prof, Journalist), Patrick Harlen(Prof, Celebrity), +Advisor:Tom Hope(IPO), Aya yamamoto and Rin Takahashi(ICS), Kin sougin, Ryohei Hara, Batchunag Dashdemberel, Ji-sung Park, Antonín Povolńy -Main extras;Victor Torres, Mario Di-Prof Walker, Robin Garhwal, Giwoon Han, Seungman Choi, Akira Shirai, Julian Lindblad, Philip Irri, Sota Kimura, Phan Tom, Phan Phuc, Kawauchi Kohei Thanks a zillion to you all who were involved in this. And ...


French Laundry

Six Myths of Effective Communication

Six Myths of Effective Communication
Six Myths of Effective Communication

French Laundry